Day trips to various places of interest
Occasional day trips and outings
We organise occasional day trips and outings to places of interest. We always have a summer outing to some place of interest that is readily accessible for some of our more senior members. We have a good lunch on the way and it has always proved a very good day out. In the past we have been to Cambridge (including a riverboat trip); to the Nene Valley Railway near Peterborough; Woburn Abbey Safari Park; Audley End stately home and gardens and a cream tea on a boat trip on the River Lea in Broxbourne.
For many years we have taken a party to the pantomime in January and to a Variety Express show in November and in recent years we have been to Brick Lane Music Hall in East London where they have a scrumptious tea and good entertainment. Other outings are also arranged from time to time which are always well supported.
The next outing is a trip to Windsor Castle on Thursday 25th July.
If you would like to go, please contact Helen via email (helenspringer2@gmail.com) or using the contact form below.
To see when our next day trip or outing is, please see our events and meetings calendar by clicking the button below.